What Do You Do With a Roomful of Product?
If you are Sandy, you give it to those that are helping you build Richmont Direct. I usually don't sell my leftover stock. I offer it to my Customers, Hostesses, and Guests for helping me "grow my home business. I also offer it to my Consultants for "going the extra mile" in their business! It is my Thank You for helping me and yourself.
Consultants if you want extra product to use as prizes for your Customers, Hostesses and Guests, put in an order this month.
Customers this is one way to have your "shipping charge free after you figure in the cost of your freebie."
I am trying to make a "special" goal this month and need the entire Team to work with me on this goal. Everyone who puts in an order and pays before June 30 5 p.m. will receive at least a $4.95 item. The item will be bigger as the order gets bigger. A $500 party will receive a $35 gift or gifts totaling $35. (I may run out of items in that price range. ;0))
Thank you for being on my TEAM!
I use my extra product as a "come on" to get guests at parties to show up and order. For everyone who shows up at the party and orders product in increments of $25 (1 ticket for each $25 spent) at the party. At the end of the party I draw a ticket and announce a winner. Tonight I'm offering the Interactive Santa from last years catalog. I let the hostess know ahead of time so she can tease the guests into coming. If they don't come to the party they can't get in on the drawing.
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