Looking for 2 Team Leaders with a Strong Desire to Succeed
Are you a corporate person that wants to be a Stay at home Mom, or are you hoping to Retire soon, and want to augment your retirement income, or perhaps, you just want to find a way to pay for a better lifestyle, your kids education, a vacation or even just meet your monthly obligations.
What I am looking for is 2 key people to work closely with,
....to team up with either F/T or P/T
...to help develop a reliable income
...if you are self-motivated, entreprenurial minded, a team player,
enjoy working with others in a teaching role and
...consider yourself coachable, able to follow direction
...then you are possibly the person that I am looking for!
Call, (520) 298-7131 for an interview and informational appointment
(I only work with 2 people at a time so that I can commit my time...and guarantee your success. I am NOT looking for a financial investment.)
Sandra Fatovich
Keeping Our Kid's World Healthy
One Household at a Time
Labels: add to income, corporate worker, entreprenurial, full-time, monthly obligations, part-time, pay bills, reliable income, retirement, self-motivated, stay at home Mom, teaching, team player, vacation