Saturday, July 09, 2005

Meet Our June Team Winners and Their Prizes

Meet our June Team!

I want to thank all of you that participated during June. You gave it your “all” and were definitely part of the Team for Gifts by Richmont Direct. Pat yourselves on the back for a “Job well done.” I am very proud of all of you that tried so hard to help me make that $3,000 goal. You were there with me right down to the final day and time. Thanks again.

While we didn’t meet my goal of $3,000 in sales; we did very well for only 5 people participating. Total sales were $2,918.65.

Rita was our top “star” and will receive the most in “free merchandise.” When others see what the “team” received, maybe they will decide to become part of our “team” as we try to reach $3,000 in July. There will be prizes for everyone that participates. Prizes will depend on the amount of retail sales per Consultant or My Clients. You can use the prizes for yourself OR give it as an incentive for larger sales at your parties like Rita does. She offers a bigger item she has from the past at her parties and everyone that has at least a $25 order (or multiples of $25) receive one ticket for each $25 in orders in the drawing. She is getting $500 parties this way. You might want to try it with your prize.

Every Consultant will receive the following booklets: (You may have already received one from me. This is an extra copy that you can “bribe” your Guests to have a party and receive the booklet FREE. Women love FREE cooking booklets.)

1) Richmont Direct Cooking Product Guide 2005 (downloaded from the Company’s web site and put into a booklet for ease in use;
2) Receipes by our Personal Chef;
3) Fun With Cooking for Children (Use to have parties including Children!); and
4) How to Have an On-Line Party.

Total Sold in June $2,918.65 with 5 working.
Goal for July $3,500 with 7 working. (The Christmas season is upon us and this should be a "walk in the park.") Let's see how much higher you can go and how many more than 7 will be working at the end of July. SURPRISE ME!

Consultant/Client; Amt Sold/Bought; Prize(s) Given; Price of Prize(s)

1) Margolian, Rita; $1,062.65; 1) Double Plate Holder, includes plates ($49.95); 2) Salt and Pepper Mills from 2004 $9.95 each (bonus buys) reg. price $19.95 each; 3) Stainless Steel Soap $5.95 (bonus buy) reg. price $12.95; Total: $102.80 (using reg. prices)

2) Pettit, Diane; $637.75; 8 Qt. Multi-Cooker; $59.95; 6 Catalogs; $7.50; Total $67.45

3) Salyer, Kari An; $486.75; 1) Recipe Book Holder $34.95; 2) 20 Catalogs $15.00; Total: $49.95

4) Fatovich, Sandra; (yes, I work also!); $407.60; Prize Not Applicable

5) Fickera, Louis; $323.90; Kitchen Scale w/Removable Bowl; $33.95

6) Peffly, Karla (My Individual Client); $17.95; Stainless Steel Soap Bonus Buy $5.95 (reg. $12.95) (I gave Karla a bonus buy because she has been ordering regularly from me for 4 months.

Notice that your prizes for June amounted to approximately 10% of your retail sales.

I will be looking forward to the "Team Players" for July. Let's try to increase the number on our Team working. If you have been reading all the emails and John Jr's blogs you have seen some wonderful surprises from "our company." We are the best. When you start to believe it, you will see some wonderful advances in "your business from home."

Sandra Fatovich


At 9:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! You didn't tell me I was going to get so much merchandise. Thanks. I just got home from my first party in July. It won't close until next week but it will definately be $200 and 3 bookings so far. Also, I will place the recipe for the Funnel Cakes on the Richmont Blog for everyone to use. Check it out.

At 10:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is an old Pennsylvania Dutch specialty.

Cooking oil for frying
2 cups sifted flour
1/4 cup sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 eggs, beaten
1 cup milk (approximate)
Confectioners' sugar
Maple Syrup (optional)

Pour oil into a 3 or 4 quart saucepan to a depth of 2 inches. Sift together flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt in mixing bowl. Add eggs and milk, beating until smooth. Let batter stand while oil heats to 370 degrees to 375 degrees F.
Select a funnel with 1/2 inch tip opening. Hold funnel with finger over opening. for each cake, fill funnel with 1/4 cup batter. Keep the spout closed and remove finger as needed to let batter flow smoothly into the hot fat, moving funnel in a spiral fashion. Start at center and continue spiraling until a cake 5 or 6 inches in diameter is made. Fry until a golden brown on both sides, turning once (total cooking time about 1 minute). Drain thoroughly on paper towels. Fry just one cake at a time. Sprinkle cakes lightly with confectioner's sugar and serve with maple syrup.

The kids will love making interesting designs. You can also use the Professional Piping Set along with your imagination! Have fun...


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