Check out John's Blog

If you haven't been to John Jr's Blog in a few days, it is worth the time to go and see what you can all earn "extra" during August. Respond to our Blog and see what happens. You may be pleasantly surprised. If you don't know how to respond to a "Blog," please call me and I will walk you through it. (800-254-2289)
We gained three new people in our group last month and they are anxiously calling me with their plans for the future of "their" business. Congratulations to the following:
Mary Anne Hillis, recruited by Tonya Harford, "A Tonya Harford Company;"
Ruth Burr, recruited by Rita Margolian, "A Rita Margolian Company:" and
Ceilia Foster, recruited by Sandra Fatovich, "A Sandra Fatovich Company."
Remember, I will work as hard growing your business as YOU do. How hard are you working? Call me at 800-254-2289 or email me at before I call you with your plans for the rest of the year and I will send you a gift!
I am really excited about joing the team! I would like to take this opportunity to thank Sandy for all the help and wonderful suggestions and ideas she has given me, not to mention her time (I can talk anyone's ear off!) in helping me to start and GROW my business. Just a quick background I was a demonstrator for HOL/CATW about 10 years ago, recently I was looking for a way to supplement my income and thought hey, I'll get back into HOL/CATW, that's when I found out they closed their doors and stumbled onto Richmont Direct thrugh the wonders of the Internet and well here I am!
I will be holding my first party (doing double duty as Consultant/Hostess) next Friday the 12th and it promises to be a hugh success with 14 people committed to attending, 2-3 bookings (1 guranteed) and a possible recruit! I am really excited about joining Richmont and being a part of Sandy's team and I know with hard work and the great support from not only Sandy but the company as well, this is going to a hugh success! I hope to meet each and everyone of you at next year's gathering if not sooner!
Happy Selling AND Recruiting!!
Mary Anne Hillis
Peoria, AZ
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